Discuss / Java / 原来还可以输出echarts图,就是字符串有点难拼


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protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {    String html = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" +            "<html lang=\"en\">\n" +            "<head>\n" +            "    <meta charset=\"UTF-8\">\n" +            "    <title>Title</title>\n" +            "</head>\n" +            "<script src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/echarts/5.4.1/echarts.min.js\"></script>\n" +            "<body>\n" +            "<div id='main' style='width: 100vw;height: 100vh'></div>\n" +            "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" +            "    var chartDom = document.getElementById('main');\n" +            "    var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);\n" +            "    var option = {\n" +            "        color: ['#80FFA5', '#00DDFF', '#37A2FF', '#FF0087', '#FFBF00'],\n" +            "        title: {\n" +            "            text: 'Gradient Stacked Area Chart'\n" +            "        },\n" +            "        tooltip: {\n" +            "            trigger: 'axis',\n" +            "            axisPointer: {\n" +            "                type: 'cross',\n" +            "                label: {\n" +            "                    backgroundColor: '#6a7985'\n" +            "                }\n" +            "            }\n" +            "        },\n" +            "        legend: {\n" +            "            data: ['Line 1', 'Line 2', 'Line 3', 'Line 4', 'Line 5']\n" +            "        },\n" +            "        toolbox: {\n" +            "            feature: {\n" +            "                saveAsImage: {}\n" +            "            }\n" +            "        },\n" +            "        grid: {\n" +            "            left: '3%',\n" +            "            right: '4%',\n" +            "            bottom: '3%',\n" +            "            containLabel: true\n" +            "        },\n" +            "        xAxis: [\n" +            "            {\n" +            "                type: 'category',\n" +            "                boundaryGap: false,\n" +            "                data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']\n" +            "            }\n" +            "        ],\n" +            "        yAxis: [\n" +            "            {\n" +            "                type: 'value'\n" +            "            }\n" +            "        ],\n" +            "        series: [\n" +            "            {\n" +            "                name: 'Line 1',\n" +            "                type: 'line',\n" +            "                stack: 'Total',\n" +            "                smooth: true,\n" +            "                lineStyle: {\n" +            "                    width: 0\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                showSymbol: false,\n" +            "                areaStyle: {\n" +            "                    opacity: 0.8,\n" +            "                    color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [\n" +            "                        {\n" +            "                            offset: 0,\n" +            "                            color: 'rgb(128, 255, 165)'\n" +            "                        },\n" +            "                        {\n" +            "                            offset: 1,\n" +            "                            color: 'rgb(1, 191, 236)'\n" +            "                        }\n" +            "                    ])\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                emphasis: {\n" +            "                    focus: 'series'\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                data: [140, 232, 101, 264, 90, 340, 250]\n" +            "            },\n" +            "            {\n" +            "                name: 'Line 2',\n" +            "                type: 'line',\n" +            "                stack: 'Total',\n" +            "                smooth: true,\n" +            "                lineStyle: {\n" +            "                    width: 0\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                showSymbol: false,\n" +            "                areaStyle: {\n" +            "                    opacity: 0.8,\n" +            "                    color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [\n" +            "                        {\n" +            "                            offset: 0,\n" +            "                            color: 'rgb(0, 221, 255)'\n" +            "                        },\n" +            "                        {\n" +            "                            offset: 1,\n" +            "                            color: 'rgb(77, 119, 255)'\n" +            "                        }\n" +            "                    ])\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                emphasis: {\n" +            "                    focus: 'series'\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                data: [120, 282, 111, 234, 220, 340, 310]\n" +            "            },\n" +            "            {\n" +            "                name: 'Line 3',\n" +            "                type: 'line',\n" +            "                stack: 'Total',\n" +            "                smooth: true,\n" +            "                lineStyle: {\n" +            "                    width: 0\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                showSymbol: false,\n" +            "                areaStyle: {\n" +            "                    opacity: 0.8,\n" +            "                    color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [\n" +            "                        {\n" +            "                            offset: 0,\n" +            "                            color: 'rgb(55, 162, 255)'\n" +            "                        },\n" +            "                        {\n" +            "                            offset: 1,\n" +            "                            color: 'rgb(116, 21, 219)'\n" +            "                        }\n" +            "                    ])\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                emphasis: {\n" +            "                    focus: 'series'\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                data: [320, 132, 201, 334, 190, 130, 220]\n" +            "            },\n" +            "            {\n" +            "                name: 'Line 4',\n" +            "                type: 'line',\n" +            "                stack: 'Total',\n" +            "                smooth: true,\n" +            "                lineStyle: {\n" +            "                    width: 0\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                showSymbol: false,\n" +            "                areaStyle: {\n" +            "                    opacity: 0.8,\n" +            "                    color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [\n" +            "                        {\n" +            "                            offset: 0,\n" +            "                            color: 'rgb(255, 0, 135)'\n" +            "                        },\n" +            "                        {\n" +            "                            offset: 1,\n" +            "                            color: 'rgb(135, 0, 157)'\n" +            "                        }\n" +            "                    ])\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                emphasis: {\n" +            "                    focus: 'series'\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                data: [220, 402, 231, 134, 190, 230, 120]\n" +            "            },\n" +            "            {\n" +            "                name: 'Line 5',\n" +            "                type: 'line',\n" +            "                stack: 'Total',\n" +            "                smooth: true,\n" +            "                lineStyle: {\n" +            "                    width: 0\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                showSymbol: false,\n" +            "                label: {\n" +            "                    show: true,\n" +            "                    position: 'top'\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                areaStyle: {\n" +            "                    opacity: 0.8,\n" +            "                    color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [\n" +            "                        {\n" +            "                            offset: 0,\n" +            "                            color: 'rgb(255, 191, 0)'\n" +            "                        },\n" +            "                        {\n" +            "                            offset: 1,\n" +            "                            color: 'rgb(224, 62, 76)'\n" +            "                        }\n" +            "                    ])\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                emphasis: {\n" +            "                    focus: 'series'\n" +            "                },\n" +            "                data: [220, 302, 181, 234, 210, 290, 150]\n" +            "            }\n" +            "        ]\n" +            "    };\n" +            "    myChart.setOption(option);\n" +            "</script" +            ">\n" +            "</body>\n" +            "</html>";    // 设置响应类型:    resp.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8");    // 获取输出流:    PrintWriter pw = resp.getWriter();    // 写入响应:    pw.write(html);    // 最后不要忘记flush强制输出:    pw.flush();}


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